The Stockade

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"Not very far from the main college building, down in a miniature ravine [about where the Amphitheatre now stands - Ed.], there is an interesting though somewhat repulsive settlement known as "The Stockade." This is the dwelling place of a number of State convicts, who are employed in keeping up the college grounds, and perform other similar labor too tedious for the agricultural students of the college to perform.

"On Sunday evenings, after the supposed study hour is over, the cadets often stroll down to the place, and look around the premises. Often a cadet will question one of the prisoners as to the deed which led to his imprisonment, and the length of his confinement. Oftimes some very interesting bits of history can be obtained from the answers furnished, for the lives of some of these convicts read like fairy tales, replete as they are, with exciting adventures and mysterious escapades."

- The Chronicle, May 1899, Volume II, Number 8, page 352.
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